Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Attitude is EVERYTHING

The rich young ruler asks Jesus how to obtain eternal life...and Jesus looks at him...LOVES HIM...and tells him that he needs to sell all that he owns and care for the poor. The man walks away sad. So...does that mean that we are all doomed?

I don't think so, I think this is about attitude. I think Jesus is talking to the rich young ruler about priorities, where his heart lies. In the text in Matthew 6:21 Jesus talks about our heart being where are treasure don't store up your treasure where "moth and rust decay", but focus on eternity.

Those that are blessed with wealth play such a wonderful vital, roll in the church, when their eyes are turned towards eternity. We have some that just offer what they have so generously to lift up and care for those in need. They have an attitude of generosity and they seem to realize that giving generously doesn't take away from their abundance, instead it blesses them. They are wise with their finances, but not so frightened of it's loss that they won't share with others. It's as if they understand that when it's all said and done it's not about money at all...but about how we love and treat one another. What a wonderful attitude to cultivate!

*Part of having an attitude of thankfulness includes counting our blessings. What blessings to you have today that you are thankful for?

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