Monday, March 8, 2010

Act or React?

Do you ever ponder whether you are acting or reacting? I suspect if we get technical about it we are all reacting to one stimulus or another, how could it be any other way? But, on a relationship level, are we choosing our responses to one another and circumstance, or are we simply going with the flow of the response around us?

I wonder if Cleopas and his Companion were caught up in the crowd response about the news surrounding Jesus, so they were sad...and disappointed that Jesus wasn't what they thought he was. Of course, if we would continue reading on in this passage they have their eyes opened to who Jesus is as they break bread with him later on. They have that "ah-ha" moment.

*If you are able to do so...pause for a few minutes in this day and ask yourself if you are acting or reacting to the people around you.
*What would you like to change in your relationships? Today is a great day to shift your thinking...and to have a new beginning!

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