Monday, March 22, 2010

Mary, The First Missionary

Mary Magdalene. She certainly has become a woman of controversy as the years have marched on between the time of her living on this earth and now. We know that Jesus healed her and her life was transformed. She was with "the other Mary" at the tomb in the text that we read today. I could spend many hours writing about her and the various theories about her life, quoting source after source. She has become quite popular for scholars and even fictional novel writers.

However, I want to quote what someone said at Bible Study Wednesday night about her...and I suspect that he was quoting from something that he had heard before. Art said "Well, Mary was the first missionary." I paused...hmmm...I was thinking Paul and the missionary journeys in Acts...he went on to say "She was told by the angel in the tomb to run and go tell the others that Jesus is alive...and she did. She was the first missionary."

Interesting, the text tells us that the women are afraid, but also happy...and they run to tell the disciples the amazing news. And this is the good news of the Gospel that they had to share: Jesus was he is alive! Go tell the others! And the good news still remains: We can be touched by God and experience a resurrection in our own lives...that is the good news of Easter!

Run...go tell the others!

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