Monday, March 29, 2010

"Becky the....."

He is known as "Mark the Evangelist". Nice. Of all of the descriptors that one could be known as, Evangelist is a good one. It makes me wonder...when my life has been said and done upon this earth, when I am in a much better place, what would I be known for?

Hmmm...some days I can honestly say that it would be something nice, such as "Becky the smiler" or "Becky the laugher"....but some days I suspect that it would be something that I don't even want to hear!

My point is that it is significant how we live our lives, not necessarily that everyone loves us and names us appropriately, because, let's face it, we are not going to make everyone happy all of the time, and to think that we can is ridiculous. However, we can choose to live our lives in ways that are pleasing to God, and to be known as one that shares the gospel with others.

Maybe when you have an extra minute or two today you will think on this a bit. What name is it that you would like to be named? How can you start living your life in that way today?

Peace to you this Holy week as you journey towards the cross. I will be specifically praying for all of those that read the blog this please know that you are in my prayers.


  1. My running friends started calling me Reverend Run. The thing I like about it is that they aren't necessarily Christians at all, but I can share my faith openly with them while we run.

    ...and thanks for the prayers. I can use them!

  2. I love that your buddies call you Reverend Run! I am praying that this week is Holy for you...the marathon that we know as Lent is almost over! The finish line of Easter is almost here!

  3. Praise God! (and then it's vacation time!!!!)

    But I won't too quickly finish Lent. It's been an incredible marathon for me, especially reading the entire Bible. I've loved it.

    And I've really appreciated your blogs; I read them on my Google Reader; don't always comment, but do always read them.
