Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fair is fair...right???

It only seems right....Jesus, we are working really hard for you...SO.....we want you to do anything we ask of you...just give us this one wish. In other words...we scratch your back and you scratch ours....

But, thank goodness, that's not how it works. The justice and mercy of God are not like ours. So often we see things in do this, I do this. You get this, I get this. It is all really on the surface. It doesn't take into account the whole person, the circumstances, the past, the present, the future...and it certainly doesn't reflect our ability to forgive and move on after someone has made a mistake. And when we look at things that way we become so focused on others...what THEY have or don't have...who THEY are, what THEY's quite childish, actually. We expect children to act in this way, but part of our job as parents is to help our children understand that it's not for us to constantly compare ourselves and our possessions with others. We are to move beyond this behavior into a more mature form of communication, which takes into account many factors in processing information and relationships.

In essence, we are to become more Godly. Imagine that?! My prayer for us, for all of us, is that we will stop focusing on others and what they do and don't do, what they have and what we don't have...and be intentional about our own journey.

May we all be filled to overflowing today with God's grace, so much so that it splashes out of us and gets others wet!

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