Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I like to think that when it really matters that I would come through. When faced with something as Peter was....that I would NOT deny Christ 3 times. But still, we really don't know until we are faced with what another if faced with what we would do. What I do believe, and think is the overall message that we need to get, is that Peter found forgiveness and redemption. That's real-life.

In real-life things don't always work out just so, we don't always make wise decisions, people don't always love us and help as we desire that they would. We keep on going, we forgive when we are given the opportunity to do so, we shift our thinking and our expectations, and we continue on the journey. We realize that we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and move through that. It's not always easy, but there such growth and depth that can be gained by working through a challenging time and getting on the other side of it. Peter is a great example of a real-life person, not perfect, but growing and loving God in his humanness.

May it be so for us as well. Peace to you today...and I'm very glad to share my real-life with you.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Name Change

Have you ever noticed the significance of name changes in the scriptures? This is a symbolic way to understand the great change that occurs when one encounters a living God. For example, in the Old Testament, Abram became Abraham, Sarai became Sarah, and Jacob became Israel. 2 examples from the New Testament are when Jesus named Simon-Cephas (Peter) and Saul of Tarsus became Paul.

Saul who is a big-time persecutor of Christians encounters Jesus and becomes Paul. I have always found such hope in this reminds me that God's love can reach out to anyone, anywhere. Those that seem beyond the reach of God, who might look at Christianity as primitive and puritanical, those whose hearts may have become so hardened that it seems that they will NEVER accept Christ...that's where Saul was! A Pharisee, part of a very strict sect, even murdering Christians.

God's love extends to all, even those that don't extend love to God. And when they come to accept that love, God gives them a fresh start, even a brand new name. The old is wiped away, and the new is ushered in. Ahhh...a fresh start. It's a beautiful thing.

Peace to you this Holy Week...may you enjoy the fresh start and new name that you have been given "Christian".

Monday, March 29, 2010

"Becky the....."

He is known as "Mark the Evangelist". Nice. Of all of the descriptors that one could be known as, Evangelist is a good one. It makes me wonder...when my life has been said and done upon this earth, when I am in a much better place, what would I be known for?

Hmmm...some days I can honestly say that it would be something nice, such as "Becky the smiler" or "Becky the laugher"....but some days I suspect that it would be something that I don't even want to hear!

My point is that it is significant how we live our lives, not necessarily that everyone loves us and names us appropriately, because, let's face it, we are not going to make everyone happy all of the time, and to think that we can is ridiculous. However, we can choose to live our lives in ways that are pleasing to God, and to be known as one that shares the gospel with others.

Maybe when you have an extra minute or two today you will think on this a bit. What name is it that you would like to be named? How can you start living your life in that way today?

Peace to you this Holy week as you journey towards the cross. I will be specifically praying for all of those that read the blog this please know that you are in my prayers.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Out on a Limb

Luke 19:1-10
"He entered Jericho and was passing through it. 2A man was there named Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was rich. 3He was trying to see who Jesus was, but on account of the crowd he could not, because he was short in stature. 4So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see him, because he was going to pass that way. 5When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today.” 6So he hurried down and was happy to welcome him. 7All who saw it began to grumble and said, “He has gone to be the guest of one who is a sinner.” 8Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, “Look, half of my possessions, Lord, I will give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will pay back four times as much.” 9Then Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he too is a son of Abraham. 10For the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost.”

It's funny, the song of Zacchaeus is one from Vacation Bible School that has stayed with me for 40 years or so. And even though, because of that song, I've known this story for most of my life, it has been a new revelation to study it all over again. I want to share with you a very simple summary of what I've been thinking about...and I hope you use the summary for reflection.

Zacchaeus, literally and figuratively went out on a limb for Jesus. Would I? Have I?

Have a blessed Saturday!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Martha and Mary

38Now as they went on their way, he entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. 39She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying. 40But Martha was distracted by her many tasks; so she came to him and asked, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her then to help me.” 41But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; 42there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.”

It's the classic story, someone works harder than the others and then wants the ones that aren't working as hard to get up and DO SOMETHING! Jesus tells Martha that Mary's way is better...and we think to ourselves "seriously?!" She was lazy, we think (we would never say it out loud), Martha was in charge of the house and hospitality was essential for good fair, we think. But it comes back to something so simple...and so important all over again. We talked about it just yesterday!

The key is not to focus on how others do or don't live, the key is to do our very best in the moments that we have to honor and follow Christ. Martha isn't scolded for her excellent hospitality, she is missing the big picture of pausing and focusing her attention on Christ, not on what Mary does or doesn't do.

Can you take a moment today to pause and focus on Christ? Focus on the sacrifice that Christ made for us? Maybe if we can do this we will be able to see more clearly the incredibly blessings that are all around us, just waiting for us to enjoy them.

Peace to you.

Blog to Come....

So sorry if you have checked today but didn't find an updated blog...I am having technical difficulties but am working it out! There will be a blog to come shortly.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's Not About Me

The rich man is so caught up in his own life and possessions, he doesn't even see a starving man at his feet?! Not only does he miss Lazarus, but he misses the words of Moses and the prophets, again, because he is not paying attention. Or maybe more accurately he is only paying attention to himself.

In the last church I served we had a campaign talking about what church was all about...and we named it "It's not about me...." I LOVED that. It's such a flip-flop of understand that we come into this community of faith intent on loving and caring for those around us. And we then trust that those around us will love and care for us, as well.

It's Not About Me...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Attitude is EVERYTHING

The rich young ruler asks Jesus how to obtain eternal life...and Jesus looks at him...LOVES HIM...and tells him that he needs to sell all that he owns and care for the poor. The man walks away sad. So...does that mean that we are all doomed?

I don't think so, I think this is about attitude. I think Jesus is talking to the rich young ruler about priorities, where his heart lies. In the text in Matthew 6:21 Jesus talks about our heart being where are treasure don't store up your treasure where "moth and rust decay", but focus on eternity.

Those that are blessed with wealth play such a wonderful vital, roll in the church, when their eyes are turned towards eternity. We have some that just offer what they have so generously to lift up and care for those in need. They have an attitude of generosity and they seem to realize that giving generously doesn't take away from their abundance, instead it blesses them. They are wise with their finances, but not so frightened of it's loss that they won't share with others. It's as if they understand that when it's all said and done it's not about money at all...but about how we love and treat one another. What a wonderful attitude to cultivate!

*Part of having an attitude of thankfulness includes counting our blessings. What blessings to you have today that you are thankful for?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

I LOVED Mr. Roger's neighborhood when I was a kid...and...well....I'm still really fond of it today. Caleb went through a short phase of wanting to watch it, too, which I thought was wonderful considering that the program was recorded years ago and has stood the test of time as far as a child's desire to enjoy it. Why? Because being kind to your neighbor (or to those you encounter along your life's journey) just doesn't go out of style. Mr. Rogers was all about building up the self-esteem of children and teaching them about the world that they live in, including caring for and being kind to those who are placed in our lives.

The Good Samaritan risks so much to care for someone in be kind. I realize that it isn't always easy, or popular, or even safe, to be kind. But I know that it's good and right. Even in our anger and expression of pain, we can be kind. We can choose the words we use more carefully or even choose to not speak at all, which might be the kindest act of all in some circumstances. The point is we should make an effort to be a good neighbor. Isn't it interesting that it comes back to something that we learned as children? Hmmm....

As a special treat I found a wonderful little YouTube video tribute for Fred Rogers, who passed away in 2003. Here it is:

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mary, The First Missionary

Mary Magdalene. She certainly has become a woman of controversy as the years have marched on between the time of her living on this earth and now. We know that Jesus healed her and her life was transformed. She was with "the other Mary" at the tomb in the text that we read today. I could spend many hours writing about her and the various theories about her life, quoting source after source. She has become quite popular for scholars and even fictional novel writers.

However, I want to quote what someone said at Bible Study Wednesday night about her...and I suspect that he was quoting from something that he had heard before. Art said "Well, Mary was the first missionary." I paused...hmmm...I was thinking Paul and the missionary journeys in Acts...he went on to say "She was told by the angel in the tomb to run and go tell the others that Jesus is alive...and she did. She was the first missionary."

Interesting, the text tells us that the women are afraid, but also happy...and they run to tell the disciples the amazing news. And this is the good news of the Gospel that they had to share: Jesus was he is alive! Go tell the others! And the good news still remains: We can be touched by God and experience a resurrection in our own lives...that is the good news of Easter!

Run...go tell the others!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Well Written

I think that it's interesting that Luke wrote about 27% of the New Testament himself in the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts. And even in the text we read for today we hear that the intent of Luke is to somehow, in an organized fashion, express the events that surrounded the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We certainly are the beneficiaries of his need to capture the events of the day!

Have you ever wondered what you are contributing in the world just now that will make a wonderful, lasting impact? I do...I want very much to leave the world a better place for my being in it. So if I care for someone who is in great need and it helps them survive through a really challenging time...I've done a good thing and it will effect the world for the better. And if I've written a blog that seems really simple but someone who needs a word of encouragement reads it and is lifted up...then I've done a good thing.

What about you? What "Lukan" act have you done that will make this world a better place?

Friday, March 19, 2010

It's tempting...

What is your greatest temptation? What was it for Jesus....power? Avoidance of death and the future that he was moving towards?

We are challenged today in a simple and profound way...resist temptation and it will flee from you. (James 4:7) See how it works today....let's do it together. When we face temptation we will be conscious in our resisting the devil.

*Join me in this day in praying for all of the others that read this blog and will make a choice to resist the evil that faces them.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

To do Nothing

We talked about it at Bible Study last night...the fact that Pilate has become a villain...and yet he wasn't the only one involved in the death of Christ...the Jewish leaders certainly played their part as well.

What really was Pilate's sin? He obviously doesn't want to find Jesus guilty...he gives the crowd another choice in Barrabas, he continues to try to release Jesus, but he eventually gives in to the crowd, to those pressuring him, and even to his position. He does what his is supposed to do, according to his position. However....

It's a challenge, isn't it, to live outside of the opinion of others. And yet, to follow Christ and to accomplish our purpose in life we will need to do just that. Let's face it, we can't make everyone happy all of the time. It just isn't humanly possible! Instead of focusing our moral compass on those around us and their opinions (however good or not so good those opinions might be) it is infinitely better to focus on the opinion and teachings of Christ, as we understand them to apply to ourselves and our own situations. It is also a worthy challenge not to impose our judgments on those around us, as the pharisees did, but to understand that we are on a journey together and we are meant to love one care for one another, not to tear each other apart but to lift one another up.

*Who can you encourage in this day? Don't let the sun go down without doing just that!!!! Go...NOW...encourage someone that needs you!!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fair is fair...right???

It only seems right....Jesus, we are working really hard for you...SO.....we want you to do anything we ask of you...just give us this one wish. In other words...we scratch your back and you scratch ours....

But, thank goodness, that's not how it works. The justice and mercy of God are not like ours. So often we see things in do this, I do this. You get this, I get this. It is all really on the surface. It doesn't take into account the whole person, the circumstances, the past, the present, the future...and it certainly doesn't reflect our ability to forgive and move on after someone has made a mistake. And when we look at things that way we become so focused on others...what THEY have or don't have...who THEY are, what THEY's quite childish, actually. We expect children to act in this way, but part of our job as parents is to help our children understand that it's not for us to constantly compare ourselves and our possessions with others. We are to move beyond this behavior into a more mature form of communication, which takes into account many factors in processing information and relationships.

In essence, we are to become more Godly. Imagine that?! My prayer for us, for all of us, is that we will stop focusing on others and what they do and don't do, what they have and what we don't have...and be intentional about our own journey.

May we all be filled to overflowing today with God's grace, so much so that it splashes out of us and gets others wet!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

In the Middle

I'm not sure where or who the quote comes from...but I've appreciated it.

"The truth is in the middle."

Have you ever heard that before? Jesus tells Thomas that those who believe and haven't seen are blessed. So, when we act on faith, we take leaps towards believing the unseen, we are blessed. However, I also believe that we are to engage our thinking minds as well. Jesus lived a life of discipline and study, he knew the texts of the Hebrew Bible, he went to the temple with his family...and then on his own! In this I see value, too.

So, when we hear of Thomas engaging his logic...of getting the wrap "Doubting Thomas"...we might scoff at him, but I think our lives should be made up of a balance of knowledge and faith. I believe in the unseen, but I also attempt to take time to understand what is visible, as well. I believe that the truth is in the middle.

*Would you ever name yourself as a "Doubting Thomas"?

Monday, March 15, 2010

To Live

I was in college when I learned the word "vivir". It's the Spanish word that means "to live". I remember after learning it in Spanish class that I kept using it in sentences...of course mixing Spanish and English because I am certainly not bilingual! Now, some 20 plus years later, I still love that word!!! It is so filled with energy, I'm not sure if it's the v sounds mixed w/ the trill of the r....but it makes me smile and want to move get excited even.

Can you imagine what the women at the well must have experienced when she encountered Jesus? She is doing what she needs to do to exist...get water. She goes in mid-day, perhaps to avoid others so she doesn't face their judgments of her and her multiple husbands, and now the man that she is with but not married to. She is expecting her social status as a women, her past, her present, even the town and culture that she comes from to be a repellent for Jesus. However, he flips all of that around...and offers to her LIVING water. She encounters Jesus and he offers her a chance to move from merely surviving/existing to being ALIVE. He offers her a chance VIVIR (to live!).

*Have you experienced being alive in Christ "vivir"?
*Is there anyone in your life today who needs to hear the good news of Christ, that we can move from merely existing to being fully alive?

I hope your day today is filled with the sense of "vivir"!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


We saw the movie "Shutter Island" last night. Yikes! It was so intense...and in some parts so very, very sad. It was interesting...when we came out of the theater I felt sort of dizzy, my perception was off just a bit. Because the main character in the movie has such a shift, or at least a perceived shift, in how he sees his reality, I was really shaken by that and felt kind of...well...creepy. (That's my technical/ professional, diagnosis!)

Jesus says to the Pharisees “I came into this world for judgment so that those who do not see may see, and those who do see may become blind.” 40Some of the Pharisees near him he
ard this and said to him, “Surely we are not blind, are we?” 41Jesus said to them, “If you were blind, you would not have sin. But now that you say, ‘We see,’ your sin remains.”

It reminds me of a riddle, but more likely is reminiscent of the teachings of great philosophers, a turn of phrase and thought meant to make the listener pause and reflect, agree or disagree, and then mount a rebuttable or counter-argument. The section that grabs my attention is that Jesus came into this world so that those who do not see may see.

In a way I have felt that my whole life’s journey, especially my faith journey, has been a series of “waking up” moments thus far. As I continue to study scripture, to encounter God’s children, to experience nature, to feel loved and to love my family and friends…I wake up, over and over…or my blind eyes are given sight. It is my prayer that I continue this process; that I journey on in this life as a traveler waiting for the next encounter that will help me to see, as opposed to one who is just absolutely sure that my eyes have been opened completely and now you need to do it my way…end of story. Lord help us.

*What has been your most recent “eye-opening” experience?

*Are there people in your life who have been essential in your eyes being opened?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Appearances aren't Everything

Simon seemed to "have it all"...and yet.... It was customary for the day for him to have given Jesus a kiss as a greeting, to wash his feet, and to anoint him with perfume. He did none of these things...yet a women who was a known sinner enters into the picture, and lavishes expensive perfume on Jesus, and washes his feet with her tears and dries them with her hair!

I think it's easy to get caught up in appearances...and making snap judgments based solely upon what a person looks like, or what we perceive their reputation to be. And to a certain extent that is necessary in the world that we live in...but when we live ONLY that way, not looking beneath the surface, not giving ourselves the gift of time in getting to know a person, we become dangerously close to functioning like Simon the Pharisee did.

I tell you what, some of the most remarkable relationships that I have had have been unexpected. That is the beauty of taking the time to care for and get to know one another.

*Do you have any relationships that were unexpected?
*Do you ever find yourself in the position of Simon the Pharisee? What about the woman who is branded "a sinner"?

Thursday, March 11, 2010


The story of the Prodigal Son helps us understand the love of God for us...that God's forgiveness is massive and complete. It's a story of grace. It's also a story about a family...and family dynamics. And family is wonderful...and can be very complicated. Take some time today to study the painting below, Rembrandt's The Return of the Prodigal Son. Do you notice anything that strikes you as interesting? Any insights into God's love for you?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Welcome Home

Hospitality....I love having people come to our home. I like fixing a good, home-cooked meal, I like sitting at the table with friends, I like laughing and telling stories, to hear their stories, to understand who they are and where they come from...I love all of it!

When I read this morning about Mary I think of her hospitality...but she was hospitable in a way that I could never understand...she was housing a prayer meeting...and then someone (Peter) who had just escaped prison (with the help of an angel!!!) shows up and gives them a message to pass along to the other believer's. Her hospitality, I suspect, could be more likened to those who ran the underground railroads that we have read about. Wow...what faith and brevity.

I wonder if we have ever had to be so brave about our faith in these days? Have you had an experience where you felt challenged and found it necessary to be bold to defend your faith in Jesus?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

To share or not to share....

So...they were all hanging out together, living in community, and everything was shared. Their testimonies had great power, they were sharing the wonderful news of the resurrection of Jesus. Joseph gets his name changed to Barnabas (son of encouragement...what a great name!), he sells his field and donates the money to the

It sounds ideal, somehow, all working in sync. And Barnabas joins in, giving what he can to the cause...he enters in with all of his heart and all of his...well...field. We know later that Barnabas travels w/ Paul on many of his missionary journey's, helping others to come to know Christ.

I think I like this story because I love the concept of community. To journey together is what it's all about...we sang in church on Sunday "The Servant Song". I think it epitomizes this text today. Just click the center of the photo below to play the song. I hope this brightens your day. I hope your day is filled with joy!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Act or React?

Do you ever ponder whether you are acting or reacting? I suspect if we get technical about it we are all reacting to one stimulus or another, how could it be any other way? But, on a relationship level, are we choosing our responses to one another and circumstance, or are we simply going with the flow of the response around us?

I wonder if Cleopas and his Companion were caught up in the crowd response about the news surrounding Jesus, so they were sad...and disappointed that Jesus wasn't what they thought he was. Of course, if we would continue reading on in this passage they have their eyes opened to who Jesus is as they break bread with him later on. They have that "ah-ha" moment.

*If you are able to do so...pause for a few minutes in this day and ask yourself if you are acting or reacting to the people around you.
*What would you like to change in your relationships? Today is a great day to shift your thinking...and to have a new beginning!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sons of Thunder

I love that James and John are referred to as "the sons of thunder"! In my head when I say that I hear an echo "thunder, thunder, thunder"....kind of like in big time wrestling, you know? Anyways...The fact that they are a bit impulsive...when people don't accept Jesus their solution is to rough them up... Now, you need to know that I'm not fond of this because I like violence and I think it's the answer to solving problems...because I don't. However, I love that these guys are normal and are shown in that way. They are human. As a matter of fact, in the book POP by Bishop-Driver he points out that John is transformed WHILE serving Jesus...not before. Well then...I guess I fit in just fine!

*What do you think of "the sons of thunder"?
*Do you find yourself thinking that you need to "transform" before you approach God or the church?

Friday, March 5, 2010


Seeker. The term has been used so much in "churchy" circles...we have attempted to make our churches seeker-sensitive, paying attention to those who are not familiar with our customs/traditions and being thoughtful of their experience and entry into our worship times and gatherings. I'm certainly all for that...I get irritated when we use christian-ese... sometimes I think we should include a glossary of terms tucked inside our bulletins!

However, I also feel like we separate ourselves from folks when we place a label on them...we name visitors or those who aren't regular attenders in any congreagation "unchurched" or "seekers"...and I have also heard the term "pre-christian". I understand the need to classify so we can understand and reach out...I get it...I just really, really don't like labeling folks. Somehow it seems to place us in a superior role. And if I really get at that frustration I will admit that I don't like being labeled. Bishop Rueben Job in his book Three Simple Rules speaks of this and how painful it is for us and for the church. (This is a very small, but very amazing book by the way. I am including a link for the book right here .)

Nicodemus comes to Jesus as a "seeker" (oh...there's that word again!), or one who is open to seeing truth from a different angle than what he is used to. He is a leader of the Pharisees...and yet....he greets Jesus with "Rabbi" and seeks to understand the wisdom that he can share. I'll admit it...if you HAVE to give me a label I think seeker would be all right. I WANT to be considered a always want to expand my knowledge of Christ and learn from those that God places in my path on a daily basis. I want to see faith with brand new eyes. I'm so thankful for what I've learned, but there is so much more to experience! Thanks be to God for Nicodemus, the seeker.

Only one question today.....

*Are you a seeker?

Thursday, March 4, 2010


It's a brand new the moment that I write this the sun is rising (one of my favorite things in the world is a beautiful sunrise, by the way), I see BLUE sky, I have gotten enough sleep last night, our house is clean, my child is peacefully sleeping, my husband has kissed me goodbye and gone off to work...all feels right in my world in this moment. I want to freeze time...just freeze it for a enjoy the bliss.

I wonder if that is what Simeon felt...the fulfillment of God's promise to him had happened...he was meeting the Saviour, Jesus. What an amazing be present at the consecration of Jesus...I thought Caleb's baptism was really amazing...can you imagination the blessing of Jesus???!!!!

I really believe that God intends good things for us all, for us to be fulfilled and happy. That doesn't mean that we won't experience suffering, but we should remember that sorrow may last for a night...but JOY comes in the morning.

*What do you have TODAY to be thankful for?
*Have you had a "Simeon" moment, when your hopes/plans were fulfilled?

ps...thanks for reading the blog!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I say that I will sacrifice, but I truly don't understand what that means. Oh, I give so much time and energy, because that's what I have to offer God. But Stephen...what a sad, frustrating, amazing story. And we catch a glimpse of Paul...well, at the time he is about a life change.

I don't believe that we all have to give or do the same thing...we are who we are and we give what we can at any given time of our journey...I'm not about comparing myself to others, but it is important for me to know that I am doing what I am able and called to live for God in the best way that I know how. God help me.

*What do you think of sacrificing for God?
*How do you "live for God"?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

An Open Heart

Lydia...we don't have much information about her. She was a merchant that sold very fine cloth, she was curious about faith and Jesus, her heart was opened and she received the news of Jesus as God's son...she followed him and introduced others in her sphere of influence to do the same, she was hospitable and invited the followers on Christ to stay with her in her home.

Simple...she was seeking faith, seeking truth...she was gathered with others for prayer and discussion. She hears Pauls message and her life changes forever. Sometimes the stories we hear about faith are so amazing and BIG...and sometimes they are amazing and really quite...normal (whatever normal might be?!).

*How did you encounter Christ for the first time? Was your heart opened and did you receive him right away...or did it take some time for you to process it all?

*Lydia is so faithful in sharing her faith with other in her are you doing with that?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Mercy, Not Sacrifice

Is it just me, or does this text about Matthew just scream “STOP BEING SO JUDGMENTAL??!!!” Is it the mood I’m in this morning as I compose this? Could it be that I’ve overhead a conversation that irritated me in regards to this…or read a newspaper…or even worse…could it be that I experienced this within myself?? Heaven help us (and I DO mean ALL of us)!

Jesus reminds all of us this morning to be merciful, to stop dividing us versus them. To live together in Christian fellowship…for those of you who were at COS yesterday morning this might start sounding familiar, apparently I wasn’t quite done preaching yet!

Jesus says to Matthew “Follow Me”, and he is still asking us today, “Follow Me”. When we do just that we are not given an exclusive pathway that is just for us alone…no, we join many others on a pathway that is beautifully scattered with other souls that we have the privilege to journey beside. Thanks be to God we are not on the pathway alone!

*In the text today which person do you most resonate with?
*Have you chosen to Follow Christ?